If you’ve been driving around in Kalamazoo and surrounding areas, chances are you’ve seen some signs advertising companies that buy houses.
Often times they say things like “We Buy Kalamazoo Houses!” or “Cash For Your House”.
How do you know if the local house buying companies out there are honest and credible?
Sometimes they all look the same at the start but below we’ll walk you through some things to look for in a local house buying company before you should work with them.
Buying and selling houses is a valid and respectable profession that can help communities and house sellers in many ways. But just like any other line of work, there may be some in the profession that don’t have their client’s best interest at the forefront.
Please know there are great, ethical house buyers who work to improve their local neighborhoods one property at a time.
Unfortunately, there are also house buyers who put money ahead of the well-being of their clients. We want to help you work with honest, ethical, and reputable local companies who can buy your house for a fair offer and close to your schedule.
What Reputable Kalamazoo House Buyers Are Doing
- Helping people improve their lives by accessing the money they need right away. People often need the cash in their house to cover unexpected medical expenses, or to relocate to be close to a relative. We will work to make that happen in just a few days and deliver peace of mind.
- Helping sellers get rid of a burdensome property without the hassle of having to list it with a broker and wait months and months for a sale.
- Creating local jobs. We work with investors/partners and hire plumbers, contractors, electricians, brokers, title reps, loan officers, administrators, and many other people along the way. The average real estate transaction involves 86 people from start to finish. Our investments help create real jobs for people around Kalamazoo Michigan.
- Increasing the value of Kalamazoo and surrounding neighborhoods. When we improve a house, we’re helping to increase the value of the entire community. We often repair abandoned and neglected houses, turning them into beautiful homes for local families. This activity strengthens Kalamazoo.
- Increasing the tax base. When a new buyer takes over one of our properties, they’ll pay a higher tax rate based on the new and improved value. Those taxes go to pay for our schools, fire, police, libraries, streets, and other valuable pieces of infrastructure.
How To Ensure You’re Working With A Reputable Local House Buyer
When you talk with a local house buyer to potentially buy your house, ask them some of the questions below to ensure they’re reputable, knowledgeable, and honest.
Ask open-ended questions:
- How do you help your clients?
- What do you do for people?
- Can you tell me more about your services?
- What aspect of your business makes you the proudest?
- How would you describe your investment philosophy?
- How can I know that you’ll close on my house when you say you will?
Please be aware of a few signs of house buyers that may be trying to put money before the well-being of their clients and local neighborhoods
- “Kitchen table closings” – If a house buyer tries to get you to sign the deed (ownership) of your house over to them at your house, rather than a professional place like a closing attorney or title company… please be leery. Reputable house buying services will perform the actual closing of the sale at a neutral 3rd party place… like a title company. This ensures everything is done right and on the up and up.
- Pressuring you into a fast closing – Be leery if a house buyer tries to pressure you into selling your house and says that you must make the decision today. Most reputable house buying services will make you and offer or give you options and not put any pressure on you to make a quick decision. The reason reputable house buying services like ours at Ryan Buys Houses do not place deadlines on our offers is because we want you to feel good about the offer and make the best decision for your selling goals.
When you’re looking at one of the “we buy houses in Kalamazoo companies“… never be afraid to ask questions! Give us a call anytime at (269) 775-4095 or fill out the form on our website today!