You often hear of downsizing when the kids move out of the house and the parents find a smaller house with fewer rooms. Did you ever think that maybe you could benefit from downsizing? Here are some reasons to consider why you should downsize your house in Kalamazoo.
Pay Off Debts
If you downsize your house in Kalamazoo, you could potentially pay off debts. By selling your house and buying a smaller one, you can have additional money to put towards paying off your balances. You can also help improve your credit by paying your balances every month with the extra cash. Additional money could also be put towards the principal of your new house loan with your savings and pay off your house faster!
College Funds
If you downsize your house in Kalamazoo, you could start a college fund for your children or grandchildren. The difference made when you sell your current house can be a nice starting fund, and then the extra money each month can go straight to the college savings fund which will build up to benefit your loved ones.
Save for Retirement
If you downsize your house in Kalamazoo, you could quickly boost your retirement fund. You could open a savings account with that large chunk of money and keep adding to it every month with the difference. You could also invest that money in mutual funds or an IRA or Roth IRA account to possibly make way more than if you only make deposits into a savings account. Even if you are at retirement age, downsizing later in life can be a nice boost to your account and maybe fund a big retirement vacation.
Too Much Upkeep
If you are having trouble keeping up with all of the housework, it would benefit you to downsize your house in Kalamazoo. Find a new house with less yard work required, or none if you find a house in a community that takes care of that for you. Maybe you don’t have as much time to garden; if there is too much dusting or sweeping and mopping, downsizing would be a good fit. With the money you save from downsizing, you could maybe even hire a cleaning company to help you with your general upkeep.
Reduce Costs
The number one motivator of most people when they choose to downsize their house is to reduce costs. Maybe you can’t afford your current situation because of unforeseen circumstances, and you need to downsize to reduce your monthly costs. Selling your current house could give you a boost in funds to find a new place and move in, and then your overall costs would be more affordable.
Call Ryan Buys Houses today at (269) 775-4095 or send us a message to discuss downsizing your house in Kalamazoo.